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Kameraverleih Licht und Ton KLT GmbH
ZDF-Straße 1
85774 Unterföhring

Tel. +
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HRB München 209252
Ust-IdNr. DE 293190213
Zusammengestellt am: 27.07.2024

Scorpiolens ANAMORPHIC 2x FF 75mm T2.0



  • Small size and weight: You can handle them like spherical, and use standard matt boxes and filters.
  • Virtually no distortion or breathing: No need for tricks while shooting: no need to avoid columns or corners, or move the camera while focusing.
  • High aperture with quality: No need to stop down the lens or extra ilumination.
  • No change of compression for close positions: Close focus similar to spherical lenses, without the „fat faces“ effect.




  • Small size and weight: You can handle them like spherical, and use standard matt boxes and filters.

  • Virtually no distortion or breathing: No need for tricks while shooting: no need to avoid columns or corners, or move the camera while focusing.

  • High aperture with quality: No need to stop down the lens or extra ilumination.

  • No change of compression for close positions: Close focus similar to spherical lenses, without the &8222;fat faces&8220; effect.

